drawing of a notebook
Photo Credit: Canva Pro

I’m a super advocate of visual communication. I hope by the time you finish this article, you are too!  

It’s true, visual learners do love a whiteboard.  I’ve witnessed CEOs of Fortune 500 companies grab a marker and take off for the whiteboard to share an idea. However,  communicating visually is not just for visual learners.  

Simply put, we believe if your ideas can’t be drawn and understood easily, they can’t be done. After years of working with clients, we’ve determined there are 5 solid reasons why you should ditch the PowerPoint decks and grab a marker and whiteboard. 

Visual Communication
Photo Credit: Stratavize Consulting

Why Visual Communication Works

REASON 1:  The act of drawing out ideas using visuals triggers a different part of your brain

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Photo Credit: Canva Pro

Did you know study after study has been done to prove you remember more of what you see than what you hear?

When you want your team to remember important information, use visuals. This could be as simple as incorporating more icons into communications, (ta-da adding icons makes it visual communication!) using fewer words and more images to convey meaning.

The science supports what we see visually stays with us longer, so ditch the words and add images.

When our clients start to draw they activate different parts of their brain. Resulting in their ability to share ideas more creatively,  tell a more detailed story, and spark innovation.

REASON 2:   Employees will process information faster

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Photo Credit: Canva Pro

We live in a visual world, just walk down Times Square, look at your cell phone or check out the number of views YouTube receives every minute.  

Your brain processes visual images 60,000 times FASTER than text alone.  Icons, graphics, and images are all examples of visual representation of information, enabling employees to process and remember information faster.

REASON 3:  Brings clarity to ideas

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Photo Credit: Canva Pro

Whiteboard sessions can be used to get ideas out. Allowing a group to see ideas in pictures helps improve the design process. The visual and spatial parts of our brains become stimulated by colors, shapes, and images.

Simply put your brain is working through the visual images to bring more clarity to the concept enabling the team to see how it connects to others. You are then better able to categorize and organize information.

REASON 4: Visuals help tell the story

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Photo Credit: Canva Pro

Visual storytelling is how marketers are winning today.  When working with your team, helping take down change barriers and increase innovation start with a story using visuals.  You do not need a PowerPoint with a bunch of words, one image and simply speaking is more powerful.  These images will help you connect with your team or audience.  

REASON 5:  Vision alignment creates action!

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Photo Credit: Canva Pro

We find the biggest roadblock to executing against a strategy is a misalignment of the team’s understanding of the current challenges and how to move forward.  

When we work with clients, we first work on alignment from the vision to the challenges to execution.  Using visuals help teams align on their priorities and start to take action!

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